fat people eating


Fat People Eating-Obesity and it's causing food

Here you will learn about fat people eating food and its various effects on our bodies. As we know that fat or obesity is a major problem. As a solution, we just have to stop foods that cause obesity.


Obesity is a disease in which a body can gain excessive weight that causes major problems. In this condition, the body's fats are becoming high and many diseases or infections can easily attack our body.

Diseases cause by obesity

  • Heart attack
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Laziness
  • Low testosterone level
  • Depression

Foods that cause obesity

The following are fat people eating foods which cause obesity. To avoid obesity, avoid these foods.

1. Soda

As we know that drinking soda is favourite for every adult and child. In our society, we notice that every 5th individual drinks soda. And this is risky for obesity causing.

Soda has a higher amount of calories with added sugar. That is enough to cause obesity or to gain weight.

It has no important and beneficial nutrients like vitamins, minerals and fibres, etc.

The problem is why people are drinking more.

They are just drinking for its taste. But they don't know how it gains weight and will cause a lot of diseases in our body.

Many researchers show that people who are drinking soda regularly will have obesity or weight-increasing problems. 

This will also cause many hearts and blood circulatory diseases.

As we know that soda drinks have no beneficial nutrients. So avoid it drinking, because it is a major cause of obesity or weight gain. 

2. Coffee with Sugar

We know sugar as white poison. It is the most dangerous nutrient diet for every individual.

Coffe with having sugar in high amounts will increase the body weight rapidly. However, using too much sugar can cause a lot of problems in our bodies. 

Coffee with caffeine and less sugar will be enough for our body's health. But adding more sugar from its normal diet level will cause obesity and many heart problems.

Sugar is a white and slow poison because it is a major cause of various fatal disorders.

Therefore, to avoid obesity, take enough sugar in your daily diet, which is enough for your health. And don't take more sugar because it will lead you to obesity, which will cause major problems for your health.

3. Ice-creams with High Sugar

Ice-creams are a favourite thing for every adult and child. Especially in summer, we often eat it regularly. 

However, ice creams must have a sugar quantity. There are also some ice creams having low sugar and will not cause obesity or any other infection.

The main problem is sugar ice-creams (having a high amount of sugar from its normal level).

The best ice-creams for eating are homemade ice-creams. It is the best for eating because we make it at home with low sugar, which is beneficial for our health and will not cause obesity. But it will provide us with energy for our body in the desert area.

Therefore, for good energy and free from extra fats, eat ice-creams made in your home. Because it will never lead you to obesity and will also provide you with some energy. 

4. Pizza

The word pizza is when we heard it, so we feel the water in our mouths. Because it's tastiest and the good feeling food is pizza. 

Pizza is higher in calories and has various carbs and sugar ingredients.

In this way, you must understand the word fast food.

In today's society, people are eating more fast food for saving cooking time. 

Every 3rd individual orders foods from the outside like Food panda, especially in Pakistan. We don't know that we save time for cooking but gain overweight for our body, which is a major cause of different infections.

Pizza is known as Fast Food. We think it provides energy. But we don't know how it causes obesity.

Therefore, avoid such types of fast foods which are causing obesity in your body. The best solution is that you should prepare it at your own home. It will cause less risk for obesity.

5. Sugar-rich Chocolate

We know dark chocolate is good for health. It has a lot of importance in the testosterone boosting effect. It means that will increase testosterone levels.

But there is also some chocolate which is not good for health. They are rich in sugar and will cause obesity. And is it a major problem for our health?

Chocolate with milk and white is richer in sugar. Otherwise, dark chocolate is best for our physical and mental health as well.

We should avoid eating milky and white chocolate. Because it has a lot of sugar and carbs which will easily and fastly gain weight for our body.

6. Juices of various fruits

As we know that drinking fruit juice is often good for health. But drinking more than its normal level can cause easily obesity.

If we feel thirsty, so the best choice for us is fruit juice. Because we like its taste and also they are good for our health.

But we should drink fruit juice having less amount of sugar or a normal level of sugar. Which are less effective and will not lead us to weight gain. Fruit juices are also good, but also fat people eat a diet which causes obesity.

Therefore, drink normally fruit juice. Because they have an amount of sugar and less amount of fibres. So it can easily cause obesity.

7. Sugary Cereals

Although a lot of cereals are loaded up with a high amount of sugar. 

Eating more cereals in breakfast can cause obesity. Because it contains a high amount of sugar which can easily increase the weight of our body.

Therefore, avoid using more cereals which are rich in sugar to protect your body from obesity.

It will also cause some other diseases like diabetes, etc.

8. Potatoes

Potatoes are also causing agents of obesity. If we eat potatoes in our daily life from their normal amount, so it will cause obesity. It is rich in fat and carbohydrates.

However, if someone eats potatoes in their daily nutrients at higher or excessive amounts, so e will face obesity.

Therefore, eat potatoes in the normal way to protect yourself from obesity. Eating potatoes at a normal level will never cause obesity, but taking them from their normal level will cause obesity and will cause a lot of diseases.

9. Fast Foods

A lot of researchers have found that cooking food at your home is best for your health, instead of ordering it online from shops. 

Fast foods are rich in an excessive amount of fats, sugar carbs, and energy.

Fast foods are not good for health, because they can cause obesity and many other health problems.

Now people are so lazy to cook their food at home. For timesaving people, order fast foods like burgers, crunch and pizza, etc. These fast foods are causing a lot of health problems; like obesity, high blood pressure, etc.

The main problem that is causing fast food is obesity.

Therefore, avoid eating much fast food to eat. The best way is to cook your food at your home. Which will be less effective and will provide you with enough energy.

Some examples of fast foods;

  • pizza
  • fish and chips
  • mozzarella sticks
  • french fries


In the end, we will conclude how sugar and some other ingredients can cause obesity in our bodies. In the end, you will learn about obesity and the fats that people eat that can cause obesity.

Also, learn Healthy lifestyle tips

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